
August 9-11: Weekend Holotropic Breathwork in Nature

Breathwork workshop in Mauricie, between August 9 to 11.

I want to reserve my place.

We are happy to announce that we will do a Holotropic Breathwork week-end retreat, from Friday, August 9, to Sunday, August 11, 2024.

This retreat will revolve of course around a day of Holotropic Breathwork, August 10, but will include other activities aiming to prepare the breathwork and begin the integration process. This is a unique opportunity to deepen the work in a splendid natural setting.

All activities will be held in Mauricie, in an ideal natural setting.

I want to reserve my place.

Cost of the workshop: 395 $*

The price includes: two Holotropic Breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter), 6 meals** and lodging.

*Plus taxes

**The food offered is vegetarian. If you have allergies, please let us know. If you have a special diet incompatible with the menus we offer, you will have to take care of your own meals.


Friday August 9

3 to 6 pm: Arrival
6 to 7:30 pm: Dinner
7:30 to 8:30 pm: Opening activities

Saturday, August 10

7 to 8:30 am: Breakfast
9 am to 12 pm: First Holotropic Breathwork session
12 to 2 pm: Lunch and free time
2 to 5 pm: Second Holotropic Breathwork session
6 to 7 pm: Dinner
7 pm and +: Integration activities and free time

Sunday, August 11

7 to 8:30 am: Breakfast
9 am to 12 pm: Sharing circle
12 to 1 pm: Lunch and departure

I want to reserve my place.

Contact us for more information.


Alain Menier got his certification as a holotropic breathwork facilitator in 2011 and has since organized over 100 group workshops and worked with over a thousand participants. He has given conferences about the relatioship between the perinatal experience and the psyche, as well as about Stan Grof’s work. He was the coordinator for Montreal for various studies sponsored by MAPS between 2017 and 2022. Since 2021, he contributes with Therapsil for their therapists training. He has a lifelong passion for music.

Alain’s partner, Isabelle Clément, has followed Grof Transpersonal Training between 2008 and 2011 and has facilitated workshops with Alain since. She completed the first two years of traning with CRAM (Centre de relation d’aide de Montréal). In her early fifties, she went back to school to study ceramics. She uses this craft to explore creation and meditation. Her maternal and reassuring presence are always deeply appreciated during workshops.


Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. The name Holotropicmeans literally “moving toward wholeness” (from the Greek “holos“=whole and “trepein“=moving in the direction of something).

The process itself uses very simple means: it combines accelerated breathing with evocative music in a special set and setting. With the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual’s psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences. With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that particular time and place. While recurring themes are common, no two sessions are ever alike.

Additional elements of the process include focused energy release work and mandala drawing. Holotropic Breathwork™ is usually done in groups, although individual sessions are also possible. Within the groups, people work in pairs and alternate in the roles of experiencer and “sitter”. The sitter’s role is simply to be available to assist the breather, not to interfere or interrupt the process. The same is true for trained facilitators, who are available as helpers if necessary.