What is holotropic breathwork?
Holotropic breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. The name Holotropic, coined by Stan Grof, means literally “moving toward wholeness” (from the Greek “holos“=whole and “trepein“=moving in the direction of something).
The process itself uses very simple means: it combines accelerated breathing with evocative music in a special set and setting.
"I can't imagine better people than Alain and Isabelle to accompany you on this inner journey. Caring, calm, human, aligned, passionate and the list goes on. I felt absolutely supported and protected throughout the weekend, as much by their presence as by the energy of the group. An experience to offer yourself."

Holotropic breathwork accompanied by music helped me enormously to digest emotions I'd blocked and to make the links between my physical tensions, my emotions and my breathing.
During my experience, I received support from Isabelle. She helped and encouraged me to carry on with the work
I was doing, even though it was difficult, both emotionally and physically. Her presence made
made a difference. I felt supported and accepted. I also thought the choice of music was excellent.
This weekend allowed me to empty and fill up at the same time. My heart is even more open. Thank you, many times over!

I loved my holotropic breathwork experience. It touched and transformed me enormously. I loved everything about this day of connection to oneself and to others through the power of the breath: my breathing experience and the inner journey I experienced, watching over my lover for two and a half beautiful hours, and especially the sharing circle at the end of the day. It was beautiful and moving. Thank you for your expertise, your professionalism, your kindness, your gentleness, your beautiful energy!